"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Raspberries anyone?

We did pick strawberries at Dugwalla yesterday, and while we were there, found out that U-Pick raspberries are available on Monday. So, sometime next week, we will go. If you are interested, leave a comment with the best day and time for you. I will also be checking out Cresent Farms for blueberries, and we will go soon.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to go. Any day works for us. we're not too picky.

Chivaun-o-rama said...

Picky...hahahahah...'cause you're "picking" raspberries...

hahhahahaa....ahhhh...ha ha

Puns are fun. ;D

Stacie said...

Chivaun is just as dorky as I am!!1

I wanna go, ummmm, I think that it doesn't really matter what day.