"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Monday, July 14, 2008


Brigham was playing with the other kids in the backyard today when I heard a cry of pain. (I can tell I have been a mom for a while now, because I can finally tell the difference in the kids' cries.) I ran out to see Brigham laying face down in the grass right next to a cement step. He must have been running after Joy, who just went into the garage, and somehow tripped and caught his head on the edge of the step. I guess I should just be glad that he hit his forehead and not another part of his face. Can you imagine what that would have done to teeth? Yikes! I tried to put ice on the bump, but Brigham really wanted to eat it, so I let him. I figured that if it calmed him down, it didn't really matter where the ice went.

If you leave his bangs alone, they cover the spot pretty well. I guess I will put his haircut off another couple of weeks...


Chivaun-o-rama said...

I know exactly what it would have done...I don't know how old I was, but I got dropped on some concrete steps and then the girl landed on me...she wasn't big enough to be trying to carry me, and whack! I had broken teeth...I didn't look in the mirror for YEARS! Maybe that's what's wrong with me.. ;) I still have marks left over from it, because I was old enough that my Adult teeth had started forming under my gums.

I'm glad Brigham is ok...cute little guy!

Lyndee said...

oooowww! Poor kid!

Becky Jensen said...

wow, that looks painfull! lets just hope you didn't have any big family portraits planned!!