"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another Video

So, I am thinking about starting to charge people for the service of posting their videos on my blog! My friend Chivaun told me about a video she edited for the singles ward up here a bit ago. And, since my brother-in-the-garage is "Danny Zuko" I figured I really ought to post it too. Yes, he does carry a pocket watch; no he doesn't collect antiques or part his hair on the side like that...any more. Enjoy!

The most impressive thing about this video (aside from the fabulous acting!) is that it was not made using a video camera. When the activity started, there wasn't one available, so they used a digital picture camera. That means the most they could film at one time was 30 seconds! Wow!


erin said...

So I hate tobe the one to point it out but they spelt SCHMIDTLEIN wrong!! But I guess who doesn't!!!

Anonymous said...

I know I spelled it wrong...sorry...it was kind of funny at the end because Charlie told me how to spell it like 100 times... ;)

And, I didn't expect you'd post the video in your blog...I'll give you somethin' for it. ;)