"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The lure of "Twilight"

I was listening to Eclipse today, and was reminded of one of the insane reasons I like the Twilight series. How many times does Bella get picked up and carried by some person or other? I mean, doesn't every girl wish that she could be carried like that? As though you weighed nothing? Maybe it is just those extra pounds I am trying to loose, but I don't think that is it. I just think Meyers knew what girls secretly wished and tapped into it.


Crystal said...

I think your right! I actually really liked that part of the movie too. Thanks for part one of the apron making party today!

Chivaun-o-rama said...

I'm reading Book 3...weird...

Becky Jensen said...

i just started re-reading the series too! i was just thinking the same thing. there is just something about the strong handsome protector that is very.... well...nice.