"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hyrum Says Hi!

I have always wondered how everyone put all the cool videos on their blogs. I figured they had cool cameras that I just didn't have. Then, I noticed Brad in the mirror of one of his blogs, and realized that he was just using a regular camera! I wonder if I can do that with my camera? The answer?

Oh yeah. The photography isn't very good, but you get the idea.


Nerell said...

How precious!

Chivaun-o-rama said...

camera quality isn't bad! ;) Hyrum is so adorable! Next time you should quarantine the other kids so he'll pay attention to you... ;) That's what we have to do with Marek to get good pictures of him...

Brya said...

I love it! Does he have a fat lip? There are other ways to take out your anger!

Tara said...

So, the fat lip is the result of overconfidence. He was trying to walk down the back stairs, walk mind you, not crawl. He was holding the rail, but he missed a step and went down onto the cement on his face.

Conservababe said...

Wow what a cutie! And it was really nice to hear his voice and see a few moments of his little personality! I can't imagine one of my brother's having overconfidence ha ha