"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Babysitting Swap?

Let's face it, there is never enough time in the day for anyone, and when you add kids to the mix, it seems to become non-existent. And, babysitting is EXPENSIVE! So, I am posting to see if anyone would be interested in swapping daytime babysitting. I mean, I love going out with my hubby, but I also need time during the day to just get stuff done (or not, if the mood strikes me). So, I am proposing an even exchange. My kids for your kids, equal times. The rest of the details (time, place, etc) are negotiable. I have thought about asking individuals who I thought would be interested, but I hate for anyone to feel pressured. So, I figured this was the easiest, least pressure medium to use. Don't feel obligated, but if you are interested, let me know!


erin said...

So obviously I can't BUT I totally would if I could!! What a great idea!!

Becky Jensen said...

i'm totally in!! what a great idea!!

Brya said...

I have a friend that I do this with and I love it!

Nerell said...

I am in too!!!

Celeste said...

Sounds great! Now you just have to choose who your first swapper will be!

Stacie said...

OOOOHHHHH...pick me, pick me