"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Underwear Art

I try to do a weekly art/craft project with the kids. Today we combined form and function. Paul started potty training on Tuesday, and he really favors the underwear with "stuff" on them. So, we took all the plain white underwear and decorated it. We did potato stamps. For those of you who haven't done them, they are very easy. You draw your design (simple) on a potato, and cut away the excess. Then you dip in paint and stamp away.

Since Paul is most fond of cars, we went with automobiles. A true artist could probably create realistic trucks and cars on potatoes, but mine are basically recognizable. The white blobs are actually the potatoes, photography is the next skill I am going to try to pick up.

Brigham didn't get to stamp more than a couple, he was most interested in licking the paint off the stamp, and that really isn't part of the process!

After we put the body of the vehicles on, I went back and added the wheels. I think they are now distinguishable as vehicles, at least.

And, the final touch was one vehicle on the front. Paul liked them, and we had a fun project. Next time, we might wait until Brigham is down for his nap!

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Anonymous said...

How fun! You're so industrious!

erin said...

that's a cute idea!!

Crystal said...

I think they look fabulous! How's the potty training going?

Anonymous said...

I would say you have way to much time of your hands but I know that can't be the case :-) What an innovative idea!

Michie said...

That is too cute! I don't think I've ever seen anyone do something like that before. You are a creative Momma!