"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Teresa

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

I am constantly trying to find things to do that involve all three of the older kids. Today, after a moderate amount of hollering to get the paper taped down, we colored in the hall.

As you can see, we did start out with a clean page. After about 15 minutes of coloring, we decided it was snack time. While the kids were snacking, I snapped a few shots of the page-in-progress.

Unfortunately, the kids don't color very dark yet (or maybe it is fortunte, it comes off the walls more easily that way) but whatever the case may be, you can't really see the quality of the art. However, Joy did really great pretzel man that deserved a closer shot.

As I am typing, I can hear crayons being thrown, so I guess I am needed elsewhere!


Lyndee said...

You are so creative! I just took the kids sledding and called it good! :)

Tara said...

If we had snow, we would be out in it. In Washington, you have to find in-door options.

Lyndee said...

:) - we only have three kids and we probably would have 4 but Chris got cancer this summer and had to do chemo. He is better now so all is well but that will ruin our "kid" plans for a while! :)